Tuesday, 6 November 2012

"Use same function by using element ID":Pass id as an argument to use function for different events on different elements

 we can also use a common function that binds to different event associated with different elements and we only pass id and access the function by identifying id in function argument like this

function ValidateForAllValue(id )
  var str=""
  $("select#"+id+" option:selected").each(function ( )
    if($(this).val() =="Defined" )


    if(str=="Defined" && $(this).val() != "Defined")
     alert("Invalid selection: option 'All' can not be selected with any other option");
      return false;
    if ($(this).val() == "None")
      alert("Select some valid option");

Here this function displays alert for the element if  user select "All" along with other option.Therefore we can call this function for any select list by passing on onclick attribute like this:

<select onclick="ValidateForAllValue(this.id)">

$(this) always works on iteration

You cannot access  an element with $(this)  at event binding like this:

<select onclick="fun()">

 $(this).each(function ( )



Reason : It works in iteration to refer to the element
                    $("select#"+id+" option:selected").each(function ( )
                          if($(this).val() =="Defined" )


or you can also use that element at finction calling like this.....

<select id="xyz" onclick="fun(this.id)">

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

To write a complete HTML structure in a new window

      function ShowDatePopUp()
         newwindow= window.open('','name','location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,height=300,width=300');
         newwindow.moveTo(0, 0);
         newwindow.document.write('Date Window');
        newwindow.document.write('<label for='TxtDate'>Enter Date </label>');
        newwindow.document.write('<input type='text' id='DateId' name='TxtDate'/>');

        newwindow.document.write('<input type='submit' value='Submit' class='SubmitButton'/>');
      function ShowDateRangePopUp()
         newwindow= window.open('','name','location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,height=300,width=300');
         newwindow.moveTo(0, 0);
         newwindow.document.write('Date Window');
        newwindow.document.write('<label for='TxtDate'>Enter Date </label>');
        newwindow.document.write('<input type='text' id='DateId' name='TxtDate'/>');

        newwindow.document.write('<input type='submit' value='Submit' class='SubmitButton'/>');

Friday, 12 October 2012

Empty cells in a table

One day i worked on a table that fetches some record from database.But the empty cells were coming without border like that:(in internet explorer)

actually the table tag is like that

<table border="1">

To troubleshoot problem my TL suggested to include attribute/values for table tag as
rules="all" frame="box"

<table border="1" rules="all" frame="box">

my problem was solved (:)

Rules attribute of table tag--he rules attribute allows you to set borders (also called rules, surprise, surprise!) inside the table at the boundaries between cells
//Display only the borders between the rows:

<table rules="rows">

Table with rules="rows":

//Display only the borders between the coloumns:

<table rules="cols">

Table with rules="cols":

<table rules="all">

Table with rules="all":

frame="box "Display only the outside borders of a table:

Note: to encounter the above problem either give

<table border="1" rules="all" frame="box">

<table border="1"  frame="box">


Monday, 1 October 2012

Tp calculate size of element

count = 0;
$("#SelectClientForExport option").each(function ( )

or either use

alert( $("#SelectClientForExport option").size());

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Value,text and index (intersting way to handle form elements)

To reset fields we can use: either

text( )
index( )

Generally we usually  access elementseither by following selector

1.using id
2.using group selector like all select elements
3. using class name

but we can also access element with the help of text,index and value

Monday, 24 September 2012

Setting all value in Multiselector

Usually Multiselector doesn't have "all" option value..If it happens then then it's better to set value as "All" if <select> tag is defined in one form page and we render the value to some another page or multiple pages.If we defined it in same page and get on same page then we must have to define the value at declaration time.

Now if we get the value from "Select tag" then the value we are getting like this:

"val1 val2 val3"

and this single must be tokenised to iereate over multiple option values by two approach:
1.Using blank space " "
2.similar string patern.

First approach: (Best approach)
It is safe to use first approach if option string values doesn't have multiple sapces.Therefore try to avoid spaces in option values at definition time till it is not compulsary ( by normalising/trimming/removing spaces see difference in another blog for all three terms ) so that we can easily tokenized by using this approach since after each value there is a space val1 val2 val3 etc.

Second approach:

If it is complulsary to havaing spaces in string and string have some business pattern like (exporting each pdf or xml has an extension .pdf or .xml) therefore we can tokenize over each value as:

for ex- let $All := "0001012-0000002-KOMMUNEKREDIT.xml 0001012-0000003 KOMMUNE KREDIT.xml"
for $Each at $pos in fn:tokenize($All,".xml")[1 to fn:last()-1]
let $EachBatch := fn:normalize-space(fn:concat($Each,".xml"))
return $EachBatch

and then we also need to concat the value over which each string is tokenised.Here we run the loop to the second last element otherwise result would come as: >
0001012-0000003-KOMMUNE KREDIT.xml

there fore we skip last element.

Third Approach (Only used in following situation)

But what happens if we have compulsion to have spaces in option values and string doesn't have patterns then we have to append some tag identofire with each option value at declaration time or rendered time to differntiate multiple values.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Is your hide div is exist in body before you show?

Today I worked on a task in which a hide div has to be display on onclick  event binding.But i was irritated when the div is not showing through show().

Reason: div to be show is not placed in body (because of some if condition or may be it placed in some function that is not called inside body)

Sunday, 22 July 2012

difference in empty() and remove()

  • Empty will remove all the contents of the selection.
  • Remove will remove the selection and its contents.

$('p').empty();  // --> "<div><p></p></div>"

// whereas,
$('p').remove(); // --> "<div></div>"

Friday, 20 July 2012

Applying validation using Javascript on event binding always use button rather than submit

Reason : Since while checking negative condition on validation  we must restrict the form to load or submit.To stop loading of form  we can't use submit  button because it loads form atleast once

Thursday, 19 July 2012

return false exit from function

We thought return false only stops the form to submit ..but it is not true actually it stops the function to return the value that function wants to return and also exit the program control from the function (Its a programming principle that when a function return false then control exit the function).

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Calling two function on single event

We can call multiple functions on a single event such as onclick,onsubmit etc by seperating with semicolon sign ;....like this

<a href="..." onclick="fun1();fun2();">

Alert: -1.Make sure the first function not submit the form otherwise second function will not execute and
2. same thing happens when first function have explicit return statement that time also second function may not execute.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Difference in onclick and onClick()

Event attributes in HTML are not case sensitive, so onclickonClick and ONCLICK all work. It is common practice to write attributes in lowercase: onclicknote that javascript itself is case sensitive, so if you write document.getElementById("...").onclick = ..., then it must be all lowercase.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Dont write explicitly javascript:Calling a return type js function on event binding

Don't write javascript while returning a function on some event binding.

Ex-<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="return javascript:ConfirmClientForRelocation()"/>

Here google chrome is not catch this so use instead

Ex-<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="return ConfirmClientForRelocation()"/>

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


your browser scores



out of a total of 500 points
You are using Chrome 19 on Windows 7Correct?
Parsing rules+2 bonus points11
<!DOCTYPE html> triggers standards modeYes 
HTML5 tokenizerYes 
HTML5 tree buildingYes 
HTML5 defines rules for embedding SVG and MathML inside a regular HTML document. Support for SVG and MathML is not required though, so bonus points are awarded if your browser supports embedding these two technologies.
SVG in text/htmlYes 
MathML in text/htmlYes 
canvas elementYes 
2D contextYes 
Video+6 bonus points21/31
video elementYes 
Subtitle supportNo 
Poster image supportYes 
The following tests go beyond the requirements of the HTML5 specification and are not counted towards the total score. If browser support for one or more video codecs is detected, two bonus points are awarded for each codec.
MPEG-4 supportNo 
H.264 supportYes 
Ogg Theora supportYes 
WebM supportYes 
Audio+5 bonus points20
audio elementYes 
The following tests go beyond the requirements of the HTML5 specification and are not counted towards the total score. If browser support for one or more audio codecs is detected, one bonus point is awarded for each codec.
PCM audio supportYes 
AAC supportYes 
MP3 supportYes 
Ogg Vorbis supportYes 
WebM supportYes 
Embedding custom non-visible dataYes 
New or modified elements
Global attributes or methods
hidden attributeYes 
Field types
User interaction37
Drag and drop
HTML editing
spellcheck attributeYes 
History and navigation5
Session historyYes 
Web applications18/20
Application CacheYes 
Custom scheme handlersYes 
Custom content handlersNo 
Custom search providersYes 
Sandboxed iframeYes 
Seamless iframeNo 
iframe with inline contentsNo 
Scoped style elementNo 
Asyncronous script executionYes 
Runtime script error reportingYes 
Base64 encoding and decodingYes 

related specifications

Location and Orientation20
Device OrientationYes 
3D contextYes 
Cross-document messagingYes 
Server-Sent EventsYes 
FileReader APIYes 
FileSystem APIYes 
Session StorageYes 
Local StorageYes 
The Web SQL Database specification is no longer being updated and has been replaced by IndexedDB. Because at least 3 vendors have shipped implementations of this specification we still include it in this test.
Web SQL DatabaseYes 
Web WorkersYes 
Shared WorkersYes 
Local multimedia0/20
Access the webcamNo 
Web NotificationsYes 
Page VisibilityYes 
Text selectionYes 
Scroll into viewYes 


Web Audio APIYes 
Video and Animation4
Full screen supportYes 
id: 1340703277922_c2df